Join us for an evening of live rock music from some of the best ophthalmologist musicians and supporting industry partners. Featuring special guests, Wayward Sons.
It is estimated that 60,000 people are born with birth defects that cause progressive blindness due to ocular surface failure. Another 100,000 people will have a chemical or thermal accident each year that impairs their sight.
The goal of the Holland Foundation for Sight Restoration – established as a 501(c)(3) – is to address a significant unmet need of corneal transplantation for patients who have Severe Ocular Surface Disease. The Foundation is raising funds to provide financial resources for surgeons and patients so they may have the availability for this advanced care.
The Foundation is led by Dr. Edward Holland, a pioneering ophthalmologist in the treatment of Severe Ocular Surface Disease. It is the only foundation of its kind in the nation.